Renting temporary accommodation: when is this the solution?

Every year, thousands of people have to move, relocate at short notice, but don't know where to start. Such a scenario can affect professionals, students, couples, families or even foreigners traveling with a visa. How do you know if renting temporary accommodation is the right accommodation solution?

If you answer in the affirmative to one of the following situations, the temporary rental is perfectly indicated for you.

Your job requires a lot of travel

Do you live in your suitcases because of your job, but you stay in one place long enough to want to put them down? It's time to think about renting temporary accommodation.

As a construction worker, you have just accepted a contract on a construction site far from home. So you have to find accommodation. The idea of ​​staying in a hotel leaves you rather cold, and your wallet isn't very enthusiastic either. Renting a temporary accommodation would allow you to live like at home instead of being in a hotel.

This situation is similar to yours, because you work for a media and you are assigned elsewhere? Do you feel challenged because you are an aircrew member who constantly makes the same shuttle? Perhaps you are a soldier who changes bases every six months?

If it's more of a career change that takes you to another city, take the time to acclimatize before settling down more seriously. Better to wait before moving the whole little family.

Homme d’affaires faisant ses valises sur son lit.
If your work requires you to travel frequently to the same place, renting temporary accommodation could be the perfect solution for you.

You are a snowbird

Do you spend part of the year in the South and are looking for a place to stay when you return? No need to own two residences and all their contents in duplicate! It is better to rent a fully furnished accommodation only for the period you are spending in Quebec. In addition, you will not have residential maintenance while you are away when you live under the sun in winter!

You only have to bring your suitcases and your personal effects. One less worry and so much less management. A temporary rental agreement could therefore be your best option.

Motorisé installé au bord de la mer dans le Sud.
If you are a snowbird, you need a place to stay when you return to Quebec.

Your home isn't really yours anymore

You have just sold your house and you have to leave the premises before finding your new property? Many people are currently experiencing this situation, because the current real estate market is in full swing. As sales times are very short, sellers are sometimes forced to hand over the keys to their house before finding the next one.

But that doesn't mean you have to set your sights on the first free house. Far from there. It is important to take the time to choose your next home carefully. Living in temporary accommodation gives you the latitude to find the rare pearl, the house of your dreams.

Similarly, the date of possession of your new home may not coincide with the date of your departure. So you will need a roof in this interval.

And if the delivery of your new home is delayed by construction delays, temporary housing will be needed.

In all these scenarios, the ideal way to avoid moving all your belongings multiple times is to place them in storage. You can then opt to rent a fully furnished temporary accommodation. A simple and flexible formula that will make your life easier.

You are renovating your home

Do you like to renovate, but you don't like living in renovations? Does the idea of ​​living in the dust and with a makeshift kitchen displease you the most? It is not always easy to live on a construction site during major works. It may be time to think about temporary home rental. A fully furnished and fully equipped accommodation allows you to feel at home by bringing only your suitcase.

Travailleur de la construction qui regarde l’évolution du chantier d’une maison.
If you are renovating your home, you may need a place to stay during the work.

Life has some unexpected things in store for you

Has life had surprises in store for you that you would have gladly avoided? If you are going through a separation, you may need to take a break before finding a new permanent home. Renting temporary accommodation can then be a very practical solution.

Just like if you have to sell the family residence to obtain the necessary cash to buy each one on your own. There are sometimes delays, and in addition, it is better to leave the house well furnished before selling it. A house always looks better when it looks lived in. In addition, buyers will perceive your sense of urgency to sell less. This will put you in a better position to negotiate the sale price of your home.

Other difficult situations may lead you to have to relocate. Do you have to leave your home because of water damage, flooding, fire or vandalism? Regardless of the nature of the disaster, when your home is declared uninhabitable by your insurer or public health, you must relocate quickly. Renting a fully furnished and fully equipped accommodation is your best option. In short, a turnkey service will relieve you during your ordeal.

Un plancher blanc d’une cuisine recouvert d’eau en raison d’un sinistre.
If you are the victim of a claim such as major water damage, you will most certainly have to turn to renting temporary accommodation.

In conclusion

Basically, renting temporary accommodation on an all-inclusive basis is perfect if you want to settle down with only your personal belongings. Fully furnished and fully equipped rental units are generally offered heated, lighted, and equipped with cable and Internet services.

And if you need accommodation, whether it's temporary or permanent, check out Arrow's temporary accommodation. The wide range of short-term rental units in the Montreal and Quebec regions will meet your needs.

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